Octave Shift
The strumplate and melody keyboard can be raised or lowered by one octave. One may find, for example, that the QChord's guitar voice sounds more realistic when the strumplate is lowered by an octave, while the flute voice may be improved by raising it. To do this, follow these steps.
From power on defaults, press the melody button twice to activate the melody keyboard. Notice that the a-major chord button is marked with a minus sign (horizontal line), while the e-major button is marked with a + sign (cross). Therefore, the e-major button raises the pitch by an octave, while the a-major button lowers it by the same amount. The order of the buttons also helps--the button to lower the instrument's pitch is to the left of the one to raise it.
Once you have pressed one of these buttons, press the melody button to return to playing the strumplate, or play the melody keyboard with your new setting. The instrument will revert to its default settings once it is turned off.
The strumplate and melody keyboard can be raised or lowered by one octave. One may find, for example, that the QChord's guitar voice sounds more realistic when the strumplate is lowered by an octave, while the flute voice may be improved by raising it. To do this, follow these steps.
From power on defaults, press the melody button twice to activate the melody keyboard. Notice that the a-major chord button is marked with a minus sign (horizontal line), while the e-major button is marked with a + sign (cross). Therefore, the e-major button raises the pitch by an octave, while the a-major button lowers it by the same amount. The order of the buttons also helps--the button to lower the instrument's pitch is to the left of the one to raise it.
Once you have pressed one of these buttons, press the melody button to return to playing the strumplate, or play the melody keyboard with your new setting. The instrument will revert to its default settings once it is turned off.