Check Benefits below and Join Now - You'll Be Glad You Did!
1. Access to our Lyric & Chord Song Sheet Library
* Currently 1231 Songs and growing.
* Presented in a clear easy-to-read format.
* Indexed by Title, Year, Artist & Book Number
* Chords are selected for easy to intermediate levels
* And they are properly positioned above corresponding lyrics
* Your personal requests are always welcomed to help grow our Library
1. Access to our Lyric & Chord Song Sheet Library
* Currently 1231 Songs and growing.
* Presented in a clear easy-to-read format.
* Indexed by Title, Year, Artist & Book Number
* Chords are selected for easy to intermediate levels
* And they are properly positioned above corresponding lyrics
* Your personal requests are always welcomed to help grow our Library
Download Partial List of Songs in Library ====>
Download Our Sample Lyric & Chord Song Book ====> |
2. Club Discounts
Members receive Club Discounts on all items plus private member-only specials.
3. Showcase Original Songs
Pop's Music will Publish and/or Showcase your "Original" Songs.
Materials submitted for publishing are subject to approval by Pop's Music.
4. Member-to-Member Communication
Members can request to communicate with other members in their own area
as well as across the world. Your comments and ideas concerning this feature are welcomed.
5. Performers' Corner
A growing mix of funny short stories and jokes that Club Members
can access and freely use to help entertain their audiences.
Since Music is a "performing" art, Pop's Music is pleased to provide this added resource.
Members are encouraged to submit additional material for inclusion in this area.
6. Members' Marketplace
We are considering a process that will allow Club Members to confidently
buy, sell and trade used musical items with other Club Members.
For now, members should simply contact us when they have an item to sell.
Pop's Music will coordinate the Seller and Buyer interactions.
2. Club Discounts
Members receive Club Discounts on all items plus private member-only specials.
3. Showcase Original Songs
Pop's Music will Publish and/or Showcase your "Original" Songs.
Materials submitted for publishing are subject to approval by Pop's Music.
4. Member-to-Member Communication
Members can request to communicate with other members in their own area
as well as across the world. Your comments and ideas concerning this feature are welcomed.
5. Performers' Corner
A growing mix of funny short stories and jokes that Club Members
can access and freely use to help entertain their audiences.
Since Music is a "performing" art, Pop's Music is pleased to provide this added resource.
Members are encouraged to submit additional material for inclusion in this area.
6. Members' Marketplace
We are considering a process that will allow Club Members to confidently
buy, sell and trade used musical items with other Club Members.
For now, members should simply contact us when they have an item to sell.
Pop's Music will coordinate the Seller and Buyer interactions.
Growing Supply of Lyric & Chord Music Sheets:
Other Features:
Satifaction Guaranteed:
If you are not satisfied for any reason, please contact us
for a full membership fee refund.
Once You Join, you'll receive your Club Certificate
Along with a password for access to all Club Features.
Growing Supply of Lyric & Chord Music Sheets:
- Currently 1271 Songs
- High Quality, Easy-to-read format.
- Requests Welcomed!
- Songs Indexed by Title, Year, Artist, more.
- No Annoying On-Line Ads.
Other Features:
- Club Member discounts on all items.
- A forum to publish & showcase your Original songs.
- Performers' Corner - share info with other "Performers".
- World-wide MemberNetwork
Satifaction Guaranteed:
If you are not satisfied for any reason, please contact us
for a full membership fee refund.
Once You Join, you'll receive your Club Certificate
Along with a password for access to all Club Features.
Club Satisfaction Guarantee
Fee refunded if not completely satisfied within 30 days.
Contact us with any questions